Lesson 11: Stage Check
Dual—ground: 0.3, flight: 1.5, simulated instrument: 0.3
Determine that the student can safely depart the traffic pattern, conduct solo flights in the practice area, and return to the airport and land with no instructor assistance.
Discussion topics:
boundaries of local practice area
solo dispatch criteria; limitations placed in student's logbook
airworthiness criteria
human factors checklist
preflight procedures
runway incursion avoidance
wake turbulence avoidance
collision avoidance
normal and crosswind takeoff and climb
maneuvering during slow flight
power-off stall and recovery
power-on stall and recovery
systems and equipment malfunctions
en route emergency procedures
emergency approach and landing
traffic patterns
normal and crosswind approach and landings
postflight procedures
forward slips
flight by reference to instruments
Completion standards:
Instructor determines if student is able to competently conduct solo flights in the practice area
Altitude within 150 feet, airspeed within 10 knots, heading within 15 degrees
Demonstrate ability to depart airport, find local practice area, and return to airport with no instructor assistance
Next Lesson: #12 Solo Practice
Suggested student homework assignments:
Review POH
Research in AIM any flight operations questions that arose during solo.
Lesson 12: Solo Practice
Dual—ground: 0.5
To review flight maneuvers and allow student to feel comfortable when soloing the airplane.
Discussion topics:
dispatch procedures
weight and balance computations
performance computations
aeronautical decision making
PIC authority and responsibility
normal and crosswind takeoff and climb
radio communications
traffic patterns
maneuvering during slow flight
steep turns
power-off stall and recovery
ground reference maneuvers
normal and crosswind approach and landing
Completion standards:
Successful flight to and return from practice area (otherwise, he gets lost?)
Altitude, airspeed, heading within or approaching PTS standards
Next Lesson: #13
Performance Takeoffs and Landings
Suggested student homework assignments:
Read Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 passages on performance takeoffs and performance landings in the Airplane Flying Handbook.
Review POH procedures for short and soft-field operations.
Begin becoming familiar with the task's practical test requirements in the Practical Test Standards (PTS)