Lesson 7: Maneuvers Review
Dual—ground: 0.5, flight: 1.2, simulated instrument: 0.3
Review material learned in previous lessons and increase comfort level with the airplane in various flight regimes
Discussion topics:
Pilot-in-command (PIC) responsibility and authority
Elements of basic instrument maneuvers
Normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings
Stall recoveries
Steep turns
Maneuvering during slow flight
Ground reference maneuvers
Emergency procedures
Flight by reference to instruments
Completion standards:
Demonstrate increased proficiency during maneuvers
Altitude, airspeed, and heading within within PTS standards during straight and level flight
Next Lesson: #8
Traffic Pattern Review
Suggested student homework assignments:
Read the ASF Operations at Nontowered Airports Safety Advisor or Operations at Towered Airports Safety Advisor, as appropriate to the airport where the lesson will take place.
Review ASF Safety Hot Spot: Operations at Nontowered Airports.
Lesson 8: Traffic Pattern Review
Dual—ground: 0.5, flight: 1.0
Review and perfect traffic pattern operations, practice takeoffs and landings
Discussion topics:
traffic pattern operations and radio phraseology
normal and crosswind takeoff and climb
traffic pattern operations
normal and crosswind approach and landing
traffic pattern engine-out procedures
controlled/uncontrolled field operations
Completion standards:
Ability to perform takeoffs and landings with no instructor input
Stays within traffic pattern and maintains adequate ground track
Next Lesson: #9
Presolo Review
Suggested student homework assignments:
Read Federal Aviation Regulations on student pilot solo requirements.
Airport/Facilities Directory data on airport at which solo will occur.
Practice getting weather briefings and evaluating suitability of conditions.
Lesson 9: Presolo Review
Dual—ground: 1.0, flight: 1.0, simulated instrument: 0.3
Determine that the student is ready for the first solo flight
Discussion topics:
present presolo quiz and correct to 100%
weak areas on quiz
operation of systems
preflight inspection
engine starting
radio communications
normal and crosswind taxiing
before-takeoff check
normal and crosswind takeoff
climbing and descending turns
straight-and-level flight
turns to headings
stalls and recovery
spin awareness
steep turns
ground reference maneuvers
systems and equipment malfunctions
emergency procedures
traffic patterns
forward slips to landing
go-arounds from rejected landings
normal and crosswind approach and landing
PIC responsibility and authority
flight by reference to instruments
flight at slow airspeeds with realistic distractions
Completion standards:
Presolo exam completed with 80%
Demonstrate readiness for solo flight in the traffic pattern
Indicates good understanding of local airport and airspace rules, as well as systems and equipment malfunctions
Demonstrate mature PIC decision-making and authority
Next Lesson: #10
First Solo
Suggested student homework assignments:
Lesson 10: First Solo
Dual—ground: 0.3, flight: 0.5
Student demonstrates control of airplane without assistance of on-board instructor
Discussion topics:
student questions
endorse logbook and Student Pilot Certificate
traffic pattern communications and operations
traffic pattern emergency procedures
radio communications
before-takeoff check
normal takeoffs and climbs
traffic patterns
normal approaches and landings
after-landing procedures
parking and securing
Completion standards:
Student's ability to conduct a safe solo flight in the traffic pattern. At no time will the safety of flight be in question.
Next Lesson: #11
Stage Check
Suggested student homework assignments: